Alanna's Baby Registry
Alanna Adler & Ryan Prowse
Portland, OR
November 8, 2024
Thank you for visiting our registry 🩵
Baby Prowse is due November 8th and we couldn’t be more excited to meet our little Scorpio boy soon! If you’d like to shop our registry, these are some items we’ll need as our family grows, but above all we’re so grateful for your love and support that we know he’ll be surrounded by too.
If you'd like to add your wisdom or predictions to our baby book copy and paste the following link into your browser: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf7ezigHbZwx1HbPWSsC5vWW0Gr4gqVPQn9Hsok01Qaa_aTVA/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0