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Baby Faucher’s Registry

Arrival Date December 27, 2024

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭139‬:‭13‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Dear Family and Friends,

We are beyond excited to welcome our little baby cub into the world! Our baby boy is our biggest miracle, our biggest blessing and all the glory belongs to God. As we prepare for this new chapter in our lives, we are so grateful for your love and support.

For those who have expressed an interest in helping us get ready, we’ve created a baby registry with some of the things we think we’ll need as new parents. Your thoughtful gifts will be cherished and will help us provide the best care for our baby boy.

Please know that your presence in our lives is the greatest gift of all, and we appreciate you being part of this wonderful adventure with us.

With our love and gratitude,

Aïsha and Sébastien Faucher

Baby Faucher’s Registry Photo.

*Shipping restrictions may apply. Not all products are eligible.
Visit Aisha Dominique and Sebastien Faucher ’s Baby Registry on Babylist. To raise a child it takes a village. Thanks for being part of ours!