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Alex's Baby Registry

Arrival Date April 14, 2024

Hey everyone! Thank you so much for helping us prepare for baby! We are not finding out the sex. After purchasing, please make sure you come in here and mark off what you got, apparently it doesn’t automatically do that.

Just a note: For clothing this time, I’m really trying to go with bamboo clothing from places like Kyte baby and LittleSleepies because of how soft and extremely long lasting they are! (Yay for having less clothing to buy and store). I absolutely do not mind used/secondhand clothing! Facebook marketplace finds on things like bamboo clothes/playpen/toys are totally fine!! Don’t feel like that has to be new! Car seat and bassinet i prefer not be used due to safety.

We can’t wait for baby to be here 🤍 thank you all for your support and love along the way!

Alex's Baby Registry Photo.

*Shipping restrictions may apply. Not all products are eligible.
Visit Alex Heinrikson and Devin Wilkin’s Baby Registry on Babylist. To raise a child it takes a village. Thanks for being part of ours!