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Julianne's Baby Registry

Arrival Date January 6, 2024

Tico and I are so excited for the arrival of our baby girl, Eliana Eileen Medina, in January! We are so grateful for all of our amazing family and friends who are helping us welcome our little miracle 😄 Thank you for helping us begin this next chapter in our lives!


**Instead of a card we have one small request,

please bring a book that you love the best.

We hope that you will write a special line or two,

so each time we read it, we will think of you!**


DIAPER RAFFLE: If you would like to participate in the diaper raffle please bring in a pack of diapers in the size that corresponds with the first letter of your FIRST name:

Newborn: Letters A-B

Size 1: Letters C-D

Size 2: Letters E-H

Size 3: Letters I-J

Size 4: Letters K-L

Size 5: Letters M-N

Size 6: Letters O-T

Size 7: Letters U-Z

Julianne's Baby Registry Photo.

*Shipping restrictions may apply. Not all products are eligible.
Visit Julianne and Orestes Medina’s Baby Registry on Babylist. To raise a child it takes a village. Thanks for being part of ours!