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Tara’s Baby Registry

Arrival Date June 29, 2023

Dear Family & Friends,

Thank you for visiting our registry page! If you are new to using Babylist, this is how it works:

If you are interested in purchasing a gift, the registry website will give you options of different stores to purchase the gift from (if it is sold at multiple places such as Amazon, Wayfair, Target, Walmart, etc). Pick the store that has the best price available or is the most convenient for you to shop at!

To help us avoid duplicate presents, once you have made your purchase, PLEASE return to the registry page to mark your item as "Purchased." Find the item on the registry, click "I Have Purchased This", and input the order info (your name/email, store purchased from & order number, etc.)

If you wish to ship your gift directly to us for various reasons, our address is provided on this site.

We love you all & are very thankful you’re a part of our little tribe!

Tara, Giovanni & Baby Girl Sosa 💗

Tara’s Baby Registry Photo.

*Shipping restrictions may apply. Not all products are eligible.
Visit Tara and Giovanni Sosa’s Baby Registry on Babylist. To raise a child it takes a village. Thanks for being part of ours!