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Our Registry for Baby Liam

Arrival Date November 7, 2024

Welcome to little baby Liam's registry!

We cannot thank you enough for taking the time to explore our list. These items represent some of the essentials we hope to have before welcoming our baby in November; we already have a few things purchased that you will not see on the registry. Also, we are 100% conscious that everyone has a limited budget and we are not expecting anyone to go above and beyond their comfort.

Above all, we are incredibly grateful to have wonderful family & friends that already love and care for our little one. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Our Registry for Baby Liam Photo.

*Shipping restrictions may apply. Not all products are eligible.
Visit Bonnie Grzywna and Guillaume Spain’s Baby Registry on Babylist. To raise a child it takes a village. Thanks for being part of ours!