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Caleigh's Baby Registry

Arrival Date March 5, 2024

Thank you so much for being here and helping us prepare for this new chapter in our lives. We couldn't be more thankful for our village. We love each and every one of you very much!

Just a few notes about our registry:

-Caleigh will not be breastfeeding, so all supplies for feeding are formula centered

-We're not sure what diapers will work best for baby boy so for this reason we do not have any diapers on registry

Thank you again, we cannot wait for Decklan to be here and finally meet all of you that love us so well!

*To avoid duplicates we ask that you please mark items as purchased, unfortunately it will not automatically mark for you.*

Caleigh's Baby Registry Photo.

*Shipping restrictions may apply. Not all products are eligible.
Visit Caleigh Ducote’s Baby Registry on Babylist. To raise a child it takes a village. Thanks for being part of ours!