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Chantelle & Phil's Baby Registry

Chantelle Schenning & Boren Boren
San Francisco, CA
May 8, 2025

We recognize so many loved ones want to help prepare our lives for baby PJ's arrival. It takes a village! Of course, gifts are certainly not expected-- your love and support means the world.

We receive mail and packages best at our SF place:

288 Pacific Avenue, 2A

San Francisco, CA 94111

Other considerations we've been noodling for PJ's health and development:

- Using as little plastic as possible and choosing wood, non-toxic silicone, glass as much as we can

- Minimal bright colors. More calming/ neutral tones like sage green, creams, neutrals especially in nursery/ room

- Toys that are more developmental oriented (e.g. Montessori)

*Shipping restrictions may apply. Not all products are eligible.
Visit Chantelle Schenning and Boren Boren’s Baby Registry on Babylist. To raise a child it takes a village. Thanks for being part of ours!