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Vázquez Adoption Registry

Arrival Date January 14, 2025

“I will not cause pain without allowing something new to be born” -Isaiah 66:9


There are a lot of orphaned Children in Puerto Rico. After years of trying for a baby and praying over this, the Lord has put it in our hearts to adopt, and we already cherish our Child with all of our hearts. Please pray for us as we navigate this process of Adoption and transition.

We have made a list of some items we will need and/or appreciate for our home.


We do ask that instead of cards that you sign a book, so that our Child can be well read & get more use out of the book rather than a card. There is a list of books at the end if you would like some suggestions. Spanish or English!


Lastly, we are very welcoming to second hand items. If you purchase or regift an item not directly through these links, please come back to our registry and mark it as purchased to avoid duplicates.


With our whole hearts we thank you, God is blessing us with the greatest gift & we strongly appreciate your support.

Vázquez Adoption Registry Photo.

*Shipping restrictions may apply. Not all products are eligible.
Visit Chloe and Michael Vazquez’s Baby Registry on Babylist. To raise a child it takes a village. Thanks for being part of ours!