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Claire & John's Baby Registry

Arrival Date June 1, 2024

Thank you to our friends and family for your love and support as we embark on this next chapter into parenthood! We are so excited to meet Baby Domenico in June, and are so grateful for all of the wonderful gifts, support and love from our favorite people.

As noted on the invite, please bring a baby/children's book you love in place of a card (Claire can't wait to help baby learn to read and write!), and if you would like to enter the diaper raffle at the shower please bring either a pack of diapers OR you can bring a gift card/money that we will use to buy diapers as needed. (Did you know the average baby goes through 2,200 diapers in their first year of life!?)

Also, you'll notice there is no clothing on this baby registry... that's not because we have baby clothes, but because we know how fun it is to buy clothes for the new baby and we're excited to see what you pick! If you do want to pick out some outfits (or gift us some hand-me-downs), please buy them in bigger sizes since this June baby will probably be partially nakey for the first few weeks/months. Also, just a note, we don't know Baby Domenico's sex.

If you have pre-loved baby clothes, gear or gadgets that you're ready to part ways with, we'd love to reuse them and give them a second life!

Can't wait to celebrate with you all on Sun. May 19th! Remember to RSVP to Angelina by May 13 at 303-550-5352

Claire & John's Baby Registry Photo.

*Shipping restrictions may apply. Not all products are eligible.
Visit Claire Cleveland and John Domenico’s Baby Registry on Babylist. To raise a child it takes a village. Thanks for being part of ours!