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Dana and Chris' Baby Registry

Arrival Date January 6, 2025

Dear loved ones, thank you for thinking of us and our baby on the way! We’ve taken awhile to put this registry together as we’ve been trying to source as many items second hand as possible. It's time to pull together the loose ends as our due date nears: January 6th!

We are all set in “Newborn” size for clothes! We’re still collecting a few especially cozy clothing pieces in 0-3 and 3-6 month sizes to help us through the winter though and we love hand me downs if you have any special things you'd like to pass along.

A few notes:

We don't know the sex of our baby yet. We appreciate the full spectrum of the rainbow when it comes to color selection.

We're cloth diapering. If you need us, we'll be doing laundry 😉

Again, we love receiving used baby supplies - if you have anything you think could be useful for us kicking around in storage, send us a photo and little note!

We are so grateful for your love and support. It has been meaningful to connect with friends and family near and far throughout the course of this pregnancy. We love you all.

Dana and Chris' Baby Registry Photo.

*Shipping restrictions may apply. Not all products are eligible.
Visit Dana whitcomb’s Baby Registry on Babylist. To raise a child it takes a village. Thanks for being part of ours!