Baby #2
Daniela Cardenas
Salisbury, NC
March 1, 2024
Here are things we would need as a second time mom. Please, do not feel obligated to have to purchase! If you do, please mark as purchased to avoid duplicates or if you would like to give zelle, let me know! Thank you for your support throughout this journey, we can’t wait for you to meet our little one soon! 🩵🧸
Aquí están las cosas que necesitaríamos como mamá por segunda vez. ¡Por favor, no te sientas obligado a tener que comprar! Si quisieras mandar zelle, déjame saber! Gracias por el apoyo que nos haz dado con este embarazo, esperemos que conozcas nuestro pequeño pronto! 🩵🧸*Shipping restrictions may apply. Not all products are eligible.