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Daphne's Baby Registry

thank you for sharing your excitement and support with us on this wonderful journey! we are so grateful for all the love we have received. I want to note that we are open to second hand items (excluding car seats and strollers for safety reasons). if you see an item on the registry at a yard sale or on marketplace, we won't mind if you save a couple bucks and give an item a second chance. We will be trying our hand at cloth diapering, although we are still open to receiving disposables as cloth isn't always convenient. We are trying to limit plastic and battery operated items, so please keep that in mind when shopping. Again, thanks for your support and we are excited to see you all at the shower 😄

Daphne's Baby Registry Photo.

*Shipping restrictions may apply. Not all products are eligible.
Visit Daphne Balcanoff and Dewayne Jason  Hughes jr’s Baby Registry on Babylist. To raise a child it takes a village. Thanks for being part of ours!