Little Miss Tyson’s Registry
Arrival Date January 15, 2024
Hi there! Thank you so much for taking the time to think of us, baby, and our growing family. We are SO excited and can’t wait for our sweet baby girl to arrive. What a blessing! All gifts will be well loved and much appreciated. 💗 Thank you all for the love and support!! God bless!
When browsing through our registry, press the button below that has 2 lines with carrots above and below. It’s on the right. This will allow you to browse by category. You can open and close categories as you go!! It makes it a little more user friendly and easier on the eyes. 😋
In regards to breast pumps - For the motorized, I’m hoping to get one from my insurance. In regards to the newer “wearable” breast pumps and manual pumps, I will need to purchase on my own! You’ll see the options I’m looking at under the feeding section. Thank you, again!! 🙏🏼💛