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Amanda's Baby Registry

Amanda & Chris Kelly
Chattanooga, TN
July 4, 2024

Dear Loved Ones,

We are overjoyed and filled with gratitude as we prepare to welcome our little One Earthside this summer. In the spirit of Mystery, we have decided to wait until birth to discover the gender of our baby, so we invite you to join us in the surprise. While I created this registry to identify items that we'll need most to support our growing family please know that we welcome other gifts from the Heart not on the registry, but most important is your support and presence.

Thank you for joining us during this extraordinary period of our lives. Each gift, thought, and prayer fills our hearts with deep appreciation and profound gratitude.

With Love,

Amanda & Chris

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Visit Amanda and Chris Kelly’s Baby Registry on Babylist. To raise a child it takes a village. Thanks for being part of ours!