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Marielise & Fernando Baby Registry

Arrival Date November 18, 2023

Gracias por su amor y cariño hacia nuestra princesa. Aquí le compartimos nuestro BabyList para que todo aquel que pueda y desee aportar para la llegada de nuestra bebé. Estamos eternamente agradecidos.

Thank you for your love and affection to our princess. Here we share our baby list for those who can and wish to contribute to the arrival of our baby. We are grateful with you. Thank you.

Address: 10925 Moss Park RD

#715 Orlando, FL 32832


*Shipping restrictions may apply. Not all products are eligible.
Visit Marielise Rodríguez and Fernando Aponte’s Baby Registry on Babylist. To raise a child it takes a village. Thanks for being part of ours!