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Maverick & Benson's Christmas Wishlist

Sydney Mounce
Hello! Thank you for loving on our boys. We would appreciate anything you gifted our boys but this might help guide your gift options. We would appreciate 6-9 month+ clothes. We prefer to limit plastic if possible (trying to stick to clean materials). Some great substitutes are silicone, wood or recycled plastics. We love the brands Loveevery, anything Montessori, FatBrain Toys, Amor Clothing Co., LittleSleepies, and anything thrifted. We love second hand. 😊
Heart icon for loves preferenceloves
Comfy sleepies
Heart icon for loves preferenceloves
Developmental toys
Star icon for needs preferenceneeds
Onesies/sleep sacks
shoe size

*Shipping restrictions may apply. Not all products are eligible.
Visit Maverick & Benson's Christmas Wishlist on Babylist. To raise a child it takes a village. Thanks for being part of ours!