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SaSha's Baby Registry

Arrival Date February 19, 2025

Thank you for checking out our registry!

Most anything you see here you have second hand is just as good as new.

I ordered a month’s supply of Everylife Diapers. We want to stick to the most non toxic brands like Ecoriginals and Dyper brand otherwise. I’ll cloth diaper part time as she gets a little bigger I have plenty of cloth diapers.

Going back to work I need to pump and make sure I have enough breastmilk stored up so I’ve added the pumps and some important things to help accomplish that. If you have used a pump you think works better then the ones I picked let me know! The wireless one really helps with being able to pumps whenever and wherever for example at work. I had the Willow 1.0 and it was great as I did not have a private place to pump. For now that’s in the air on if I will have the privacy again this time. I will plan to breastfeed 2-3 years as I usually do so I put some needed clothing for that. I NEED hands free pumping bras and tanks. I only have regular breastfeeding bras.

We were blessed with a bassinet but would love a mini crib that converts all the way to a toddler bed or twin.

My glider chair has always been super uncomfortable to nurse in and I’m needing a new one for sure would prefer a rocking chair over a glider.

Our other registry’s (links at the top of the registry page) have a lot items to help facilitate a good postpartum period.

SaSha's Baby Registry Photo.

*Shipping restrictions may apply. Not all products are eligible.
Visit SaSha and Chance Jones’ Baby Registry on Babylist. To raise a child it takes a village. Thanks for being part of ours!